Government & Commercial
Department of the Navy
ECF earns HY-100 qualification! ELLWOOD City Forge Group is now qualified to produce HY-100 forgings to the requirements of NAVSEA Technical Publication T9074-BD-GIB-010/0300 Rev 2.
We are a long term supplier of HY-80 forgings, having received qualification to NAVSEA Publication T9074-BD-GIB-010/0300 (TP-300) with ACN 1. This qualification to Tech Pub 300 for HY-80 forgings also qualifies ECFG to all revisions of the cancelled MIL-S-23009 specification.
ECFG has extensive experience providing marine shafting including rudder shafts, propulsion shafts, bars as well as gearing components.
We do commercial shipbuilding parts, too! Give us a call today to learn more.

Diverse Product Offerings
Our 100 years of forging experience coupled with the latest production techniques ensure that you get the quality product that you require. Our superior due date performance ensures that you get it when you need it.